He started playing piano at the age of 7. He composed his first song at age 10 and performed it at Blue Ridge Middle school. He started playing guitar at 13 and moved to Súðavík Iceland. At 14 he joined a band at his school called "Cutaways". They entered a music competition representing The Westfjords of Iceland called Samfés and tied for first place. That took them to the National Samfés competition in Reykjavik where they performed in front of 4500 people and live on national TV (RUV). H started recording and composing his flavor of music in 2012. In 2014, he joined a band called " Rythmatik" that composed and performed their original. They entered a national battle of the bands competition called "Musiktilraunir" in Reykjavik. The same contest that "Of Monsters and Men" won in 2010. They won first place and the winning prizes were unbelievable. First they got to record five songs in Sigur Ros´s studio in Mosfellsbaer. Then they got to go on tour in France and Germany and they connected with a popular German band called " Faakmarwin". In 2015, he performed in Iceland Air Waves in Reykjavik as a solo artist. He has collaborated with numerous artists to include, Mateus Samson, Árný Margrét, Úlfúr Júlusson, Lou Lecaudey, Lori Kelley and Eggert Einer. He left Iceland and moved to Hendersonville Tennessee in 2018. You can hear his music on Soundcloud and Spotify